I am trying to check if certain ID already exists in database. When it doesn't, I want user to change the id to something else.
All this is done in TextChanged
function of textobx.
The problem is that I am getting an error, and since query looks good I am not sure why i see this: The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect.
Method which does the check:
private bool DoesIDExist(int dataID, string filePath)
HashPhrase hash = new HashPhrase();
DataTable temp = new DataTable();
string hashShortPass = hash.ShortHash(pass);
bool result = false;
// Creating a connection string. Using placeholders make code
// easier to understand.
string connectionString =
@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source={0};
Persist Security Info=False; Jet OLEDB:Database Password={1};";
string sql = string.Format
("SELECT FROM PersonalData WHERE [DataID] = {0}", dataID);
using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection())
// Creating command object.
// Using a string formatting let me to insert data into
// place holders I have used earlier.
connection.ConnectionString =
string.Format(connectionString, filePath, hashShortPass);
using (OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, connection))
// Creating command object.
// Using a string formatting let me to insert data into
// place holders I have used earlier.
connection.ConnectionString =
string.Format(connectionString, filePath, hashShortPass);
// Open database connection.
using (OleDbDataReader read = command.ExecuteReader())
// Checking if there is any data in the file.
if (read.HasRows)
// Reading information from the file.
while (read.Read())
if (read.GetInt32(0) == dataID)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
return result;
I think your select is missing some columns you want to extract out??
string sql = string.Format
("SELECT FROM PersonalData WHERE [DataID] = {0}", dataID);
Shouldn't it be something like:
string sql = string.Format
("SELECT * FROM PersonalData WHERE [DataID] = {0}", dataID);