I am building a dynamic stamp in Acrobat. It has 5 check boxes, and three text fields. I have the text fields fine, a dialog box pops up, ask Name, Project, they fill it in and it fills in the fields. The other text box is the date which I pull dynamically. The check boxes are the trouble. I know to check them with :
var f = this.getField("cb10");
Put I don't know how to include the choices in the dialog box and link them to the stamp box. Any help greatly appreciated.
I have come up with this:
var DiaBox =
DoDialog: function(){return app.execDialog(this);},
initialize: function(dialog)
var dlgInit =
"Chk1": this.bChk1,
"Chk2": this.bChk2,
"Chk3": this.bChk3,
"Chk4": this.bChk4,
"Chk5": this.bChk5,
"edt1": this.stredt1,
"edt2": this.stredt2,
commit: function(dialog)
var oRslt = dialog.store();
this.bChk1 = oRslt["Chk1"];
this.bChk2 = oRslt["Chk2"];
this.bChk3 = oRslt["Chk3"];
this.bChk4 = oRslt["Chk4"];
this.bChk5 = oRslt["Chk5"];
this.byName = oRslt["edt1"];
this.projNum = oRslt["edt2"];
name: "Stamp",
type: "view",
type: "view",
char_height: 10,
type: "static_text",
item_id: "stat",
name: "Check only ONE box:",
width: 152,
height: 23,
char_width: 15,
alignment: "align_fill",
font: "dialog",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk1",
name: "Approved",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk2",
name: "Approved as Noted - Proceed",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk3",
name: "Revise and Resubmit",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk4",
name: "Not a required submittal - not Reviewed",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk5",
name: "Rejected - Do Not Use",
type: "static_text",
item_id: "sta1",
name: "Project Number",
alignment: "align_row",
type: "edit_text",
item_id: "edt1",
char_width: 20,
char_height: 6,
alignment: "align_left",
type: "static_text",
item_id: "sta2",
name: "Name:",
type: "edit_text",
item_id: "edt2",
char_width: 20,
alignment: "align_left",
font: "palette",
type: "ok_cancel",
// Example Code
DiaBox.bChk1 = false;
DiaBox.bChk2 = false;
DiaBox.bChk3 = false;
DiaBox.bChk4 = false;
DiaBox.bChk5 = false;
DiaBox.stredt1 = "";
DiaBox.stredt2 = "";
if(event.source.forReal && (event.source.stampName == "#bsiloE85pqFs4ntcdBQCMC"))
if ("ok" == app.execDialog(DiaBox))
var cMsg = DiaBox.byName;
event.value = "Project # " + cMsg;
event.source.source.info.exhibit = cMsg;
cMsg = "By: " + DiaBox.projNum;
this.getField("byNameField").value = cMsg;
this.getField("cbx1").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk1);
this.getField("cbx2").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk2);
this.getField("cbx3").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk3);
this.getField("cbx4").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk4);
this.getField("cbx5").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk5);
It works great in Acrobat, but in reader, the By Name field and check boxes don't get populated. I can't get a debugger in reader, so I have an issue tracking the problem. Can anyone see what it might be?
Since this is now coming up in the top of searches on Google, I will show you what I did, it is not perfect or elegant, but it works.
name: "Stamp",
type: "view",
type: "view",
char_height: 10,
type: "static_text",
item_id: "stat",
name: "Check only ONE box:",
width: 152,
height: 23,
char_width: 15,
alignment: "align_fill",
font: "dialog",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk1",
name: "Approved",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk2",
name: "Approved as Noted - Proceed",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk3",
name: "Revise and Resubmit",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk4",
name: "Not a required submittal - not Reviewed",
type: "check_box",
item_id: "Chk5",
name: "Rejected - Do Not Use",
type: "ok_cancel",
// Example Code
//DiaBox.bChk1 = false;
//DiaBox.bChk2 = false;
//DiaBox.bChk3 = false;
//DiaBox.bChk4 = false;
//DiaBox.bChk5 = false;
//DiaBox.stredt1 = "";
//DiaBox.stredt2 = "";
if(event.source.forReal && (event.source.stampName == "#bsiloE85pqFs4ntcdBQCMC"))
if ("ok" == app.execDialog(DiaBox))
this.getField("cbx1").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk1);
this.getField("cbx2").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk2);
this.getField("cbx3").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk3);
this.getField("cbx4").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk4);
this.getField("cbx5").checkThisBox(0, DiaBox.bChk5);
if ("ok" == app.execDialog(DiaBox))
var cMsg = DiaBox.byName;
event.value = "Project # " + cMsg;
event.source.source.info.exhibit = cMsg;
Which separates the JS boxes, which was the only way I could capture the data for the stamp.