I just started developing a web application using struts 1.3.10 tiles framework. There is something I am not so clear.
Suppose I have a tiles definition in tiles-def.xml:
<definition name="body" path="/layouts/BodyLayout.jsp">
<put name="displayUnit" value="/tiles/displayUnit.jsp"/>
The "displayUnit.jsp" is a modularized jsp page that contains some basic tiles module:
<!-- Some html here-->
This basic structure is operating on a single JavaBean:
public class DisplayUnitBean() {
private String color;
private String bgcolor;
public String getBgColor() {
return bgcolor;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public void setBgColor(String bgcolor) {
this.bgcolor = bgcolor;
public void setColor(String color) {
this.color = color;
In the layout jsp "BodyLayout.jsp", I would like to insert a few basic tiles modules "displayUnit.jsp":
<tiles:insert attribute="displayUnit"/>
<tiles:insert attribute="displayUnit"/>
<tiles:insert attribute="displayUnit"/>
<tiles:insert attribute="displayUnit"/>
And each of these tiles modules is using a different "DisplayUnitBean" instance to be displayed in different ways.
Obviously, I need some dynamic codes (JSTL based maybe) inside "displayUnit.jsp" to retrieve JavaBean parameters. And, I also need to pass different JavaBeans to different "displayUnit.jsp" pages while inserting them.
I wonder how I can accomplish this, and whether it's possible to do it at all. If not, I wish to know the correct paradigm to code this web application.
Thank you in advance!!
refer this struts1 tiles example
Codes for mappings, definitions, etc are explained there with screen shots and codes..