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AnkhSVN - managing VS *projects* not *solutions*

I work on several different software projects and I started building up some generic libraries with utilitarian functions that I use in all of them. Recently I had three or four projects going at once at different physical locations and it got painful to synchronize the libraries manually.

So I figured I should create a repository for these libraries so I can access them from anywhere. I'll sit down one final time to synchronize them between projects, commit them, and from now on I'll have the repository to make sure I keep things straight and keep the most recent version of the library working with all the relevant projects.

Because I'm working in Visual Studio 2010 I went with AnkhSVN. To my dismay, it does not seem to allow you to manage only projects within a solution---only the entire solution!

I go by the instructions here; they're pretty clear. There is some minor confusion in that an SVN "project" is not a Visual Studio "project", apparently.

So I select a project in the Solution Explorer, right click on it, and select "Add Selected Projects to Subversion...". The window that pops up uses the solution name for the field labeled "project name". That's a sign of trouble, but I can manually change it to be the actual project name. Then I can choose a repository, and create a folder for this project. So far so good.

But then for "local folder" it's a drop down list with the default selection being the location of the solution, and the only other options are moving farther up the tree. If I leave it as is and hit OK, AnkhSVN wants to put the entire solution in that directory I created (assumingly only for the selected project).

In fact if I select "Add Solution to Subversion..." I get an identical window.

I want Subversion manage only certain projects within a solution. With local solutions, that's how I make sure I keep my libraries universal; instead of just linking to the build I add the entire source to each solution so changes are "global". Now I need to do this for solutions at physically different locations and apparently AnkhSVN won't let me do this? Is it broken or is this by design?


  • It looks like this has been known since 2008 and the developers don't think it's important enough of an issue.