I just started working with maven and I am really new to this concept. I am using m2Eclipse plugin to work in maven. I use dependency to include the quartz library.
and inside the guest/.m2/repository I can see the the corresponding library files. But in code I cant import the quartz library. Its showing errors.
I can see that the maven repository is included in class path.
What is the reaon for this? Also when I use Debug As > Maven Install
Its shows some log and in the end it says build successful
Whats Happening?
Error : import org.quartz cannot be resolved
Just a hunch, but sometimes if you have an error in your pom.xml's syntax, imports aren't resolved properly until you fix it.
Also try to update your dependencies: right click on the project, Maven, update project configuration.
My last advice is that you should probably check out the Maven documentation and start with CLI instead of m2eclipse to get a good understanding on what's going on.
(I've extracted my comment as answer—if that's okay—so that the OP could accept it as answer, maintaining a good accept rate, creating a win-win situation! :)