I am testing a class that has two dependencies on IFoo. Both instances of IFoo should be MOCK objects so that I can VerifyExpectations on each. Each instance is created and managed by the RhinoMocksMockingKernel.
I think that the mocking kernel is getting confused about which instance it should be verifying.
I also think that I may be confused about the proper way to setup RhinoMocksMockingKernel for this case.
I do know that I can use dep1.AssertWasCalled... vs. dep1.VerifyAllExpectations().
Here is the sample code.
public interface IFoo
void DoX();
void DoY();
public class SubjectUnderTest
private readonly IFoo dep1;
private readonly IFoo dep2;
public void DoWork()
public SubjectUnderTest(IFoo dep1, IFoo dep2)
this.dep2 = dep2;
this.dep1 = dep1;
public class Tests
public void DoWork_DoesX_And_DoesY()
var kernel = new Ninject.MockingKernel.RhinoMock.RhinoMocksMockingKernel();
var dep1 = kernel.Get<IFoo>();
var dep2 = kernel.Get<IFoo>();
// tried this binding but it doesnt seem to work
.WithConstructorArgument("dep1", dep1)
.WithConstructorArgument("dep2", dep2);
var sut = kernel.Get<SubjectUnderTest>();
dep1.Expect(it => it.DoX());
dep2.Expect(it => it.DoY());
So I found a way to verify the expections on dep1 and dep2, but I was not able to use the AutoMockingKernel to manage and create dep1 and dep1.
Here is the code that I came up with.
It's pretty lame answer. It seems like I should be able to use the mocking kernel to Get two seperate instances of IFoo...
Here is my current code... lameo...
public class Tests
public void DoWork_DoesX_And_DoesY()
var kernel = new Ninject.MockingKernel.RhinoMock.RhinoMocksMockingKernel();
var dep1 = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IFoo>();
var dep2 = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IFoo>();
kernel.Bind<IFoo>().ToMethod((ctx) => dep1).When((ctx) => ctx.Target.Name.StartsWith("dep1"));
kernel.Bind<IFoo>().ToMethod((ctx) => dep2).When((ctx) => ctx.Target.Name.StartsWith("dep2"));
var sut = kernel.Get<SubjectUnderTest>();
dep1.Expect(it => it.DoX());
dep2.Expect(it => it.DoY());