I have a page where i have several links that when clicked, load a gallery of images into Galleria within a Nyromodal lightbox. When the lightbox is closed, i use $("#container").html('') to clear the contents of the lightbox including Galleria.
// open modal
callbacks: {
// loads Galleria after lightbox has finished opening
afterReposition: function(nm) {
$("#container #gallery").galleria({
// clear container with Galleria before closing the Modal
beforeClose: function(nm) {
The next link i open properly opens a Nyromodal lightbox, properly populates Galleria with a new set of images, but using another instance of Galleria. I would like to delete any old instances of Galleria. How do i do this? I don't see anything in the docs that allow me to remove instances manually.
I know that i have created multiple instances of Galleria by using Galleria.get(). This really doesn't have much to do with Nyromodal, but some context is always good :)
same issue here: http://getsatisfaction.com/galleria/topics/allow_ability_to_remove_galleria_instances (code does not work for current version)
You can simply reuse existing instance of galleria, something like this
var gal;
if (!gal) { // not created yet
dataSource: [],
lightbox: true,
some other options....
gal = $('#galleria2').data('galleria');