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Appending same node in different windows

I want to append an object, that was created in a parent window to a child window:

div = document.createElement( "div" );
document.body.appendChild( div );
// Here come div's atts;
render =;
render.body.appendChild( div );

but the new DIV is appended only to the child window. If I comment the last line - the div is appended to the parent window. Can that be solved?


  • Editing since I misread the question:

    newelement = element.cloneNode(true); // true to clone children too

    Still there is no html or body in the new window that it can be appended to. At least not in chrome.

    Try this instead:

            div = document.createElement( "div" );
            // add some text to know if it's really there
            div.innerText = 'text of the div';
            document.body.appendChild( div );
            // Here come div's atts;
            render =;
            // create the body of the new document
            // now you can append the div
            render.body.appendChild( div );