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Button in a table cell to open a modal dialog

I have a table with some PHP and a form. Here is a part of it which shows that a button is placed in a cell:

if ($giorno == "ven"){
echo '<td>'.$qres["ven_1"].'</td>;
echo '<td>';
<form action="?" method="post">
 <input type="hidden" id="ven_1" name="ven_1" value="<?php echo $qres["ven_1"];?>">
 <button type="submit" class="btn" id="ts">click me</button>
echo '</td>';

Below the table I have a script which triggers a modal dialog.

It basically counts some cells and shows the number in a dialog.

const re1 = /^[0-9][A-Z]/;
const re2 = /^c[0-9]/;

const actives = $('td').filter(function() {
  const text = $(this).text();
  const makeActive = text.match(re1) !== null;
  $(this).toggleClass('active', makeActive);
  $(this).toggleClass('compresenza', text.match(re2) !== null);
  return makeActive;

$('<div id="messaggio"></div>').html(`${actives}`).dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    width: '300px',
    buttons: {},
    modal: true,

As it is, the dialog opens when the HTML page is loaded. I would like to set the dialog to autoOpen: false and open it only when the button in the table above is clicked on.

What is the correct procedure to achieve this?


  • You can put the dialog opening into a function, like

    function openDialog(actives) {
        $('<div id="messaggio"></div>').html(`${actives}`).dialog({
            title: 'Title',
            width: '300px',
            buttons: {},
           modal: true,

    and create an event, like

    document.querySelector('form button#ts').addEventListener("click", function() {
        //TODO: Make sure actives is reachable and properly initialized here
        return false;


    Your button submits the form, this is why your dialog appears only for a fraction of a second. To fix this problem you will need to e.preventDefault() and/or return false; inside the click handler that will prevent the form from being submitted.