Unfortunately, I have mixed .NET version projects. Some legacy code is in .NET 1.1 and other is in .NET 3.5. I cannot use
exec { msbuild test.sln }
because msbuild does not support compiling .NET 1.1 solution.
How can I build .NET 1.1 solutions with psake? I think psake is cool and want to utilise it.
On command prompt, I can do
.\devenv.com /rebuild release "c:\engine.sln"
But I can't figure out how I do the same thing within psake build file.
.\devenv.com /rebuild release "c:\engine.sln"
is what you do, all you have to do is either make sure devenv is in PATH or supply the full path and do:
exec { devenv.com /rebuild release "c:\engine.sln"}