Have jUnit
test, which initializes my bean:
ShowProducts sp = new ShowProducts();
got NullPointerException
on following line in ShowProducts.java:
private Locale locale = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot()
public Locale getLocale() {
return locale;
public String getLanguage() {
return locale.getLanguage();
public void localize() {
String localeParam = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
locale = new Locale(localeParam);
How to initialize properly this field in test?
<h:commandLink action="#{showProducts.localize}" includeViewParams="true"
<f:param name="lang" value="ru"/>
<h:commandLink action="#{showProducts.localize}" includeViewParams="true"
<f:param name="lang" value="ua"/>
Apparently your JSF FacesContext is not configured properly (I do no know much about faces, but I assume that setting them up and running in jUnit test is pretty complicated). However, there is help underway - use mocking.
In your test case, you like to assure that: - ShowProducts retrieves proper locale out of faces context / view root - does other things properly.
I recommend you to use jmockit. Your test case would become something like:
public void testShowProducts(@Cascading final FacesContext facesContext) {
final Locale locale = new Locale(...)
new Expectations() {
ShowProducts sp = new ShowProducts();
... do your assertions other stuff there
This techuique is applicable to lot of contextes and simplifies test code greatly.