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How do I create bookmarklet to overlay html/div layer and CSS from external file

I'm trying to find a way to create a bookmarklet which will load (from an external file) a new layer/div with other html and css and overlay it on the existing page.

Does anyone have a bookmarklet example for this they could share please?

I can create the div with the new html content and CSS classes I am just not sure how to write the bookmarklet and javascript/jquery function to load new content on top of the existing page.

Thank you very much!


  • Try this code, obviously it can be improved, but it works. You have to minifiy it and be sure to add "javascript:" before pasting it in your browser address bar.

    javascript : (function (e, a, g, h, f, c, b, d) {
        if (!(f = e.jQuery) || g > f.fn.jquery || h(f)) {
            c = a.createElement("script");
            c.type = "text/javascript";
            c.src = "" + g + "/jquery.min.js";
            c.onload = c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (!b && (!(d = this.readyState) || d == "loaded" || d == "complete")) {
                    h((f = e.jQuery).noConflict(1), b = 1);
    })(window, document, "1.3.2", function ($, L) {
        //your code here (a div with some content)
        $("<div style='width:500px;height:400px; border:5px solid black;  background-color:white; box-shadow:10px 10px 10px black; position:fixed; top: 150px; left:150px; z-index:99999'><h1 style='margin:150px'>hello world</h1></div>").appendTo("body");


    here is the same code using an external document embedded in an iframe:

    javascript:(function(e,a,g,h,f,c,b,d){if(!(f=e.jQuery)||g>f.fn.jquery||h(f)){c=a.createElement("script");c.type="text/javascript";c.src=""+g+"/jquery.min.js";c.onload=c.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!b&&(!(d=this.readyState)||d=="loaded"||d=="complete")){h((f=e.jQuery).noConflict(1),b=1);f(c).remove()}};a.documentElement.childNodes[0].appendChild(c)}})(window,document,"1.3.2",function($,L){$("<div style='width:500px;height:400px; border:5px solid black;  background-color:white; box-shadow:10px 10px 10px black; position:fixed; top: 150px; left:150px; z-index:99999'><iframe style='width:100%; height:100%;' src=''></iframe></div>").appendTo("body");});