html that is being selected:
some te<b>xt here is bold</b>ed, I guess
|______________________| <- the selection range
so, the selected .toHtml() is this:
<b>ere is bold</b>ed, I gue
but this is not in the original document.
So, what I want to do is expand the selection so that it contains the entire BOLD tag.
This is easy to detect, as you just need to do a test if
a = rangy.getSelection()
a.anchorNode.parentElement != a.focusNode.parentElement
The documentation states that rangy ranges have a setStartBefore(Node)
method :
so, I get the current range
b = a.getRangeAt(0)
and try to setStartBefore :
and since I'm doing this all in the console, I get the immediate feedback saying
what would be causing this, and how I would go around it to find a solution for the problem I want to solve?
as per Tim Down's suggestion, I've tried the following:
Original Text:
It should have expanded to include Mass Ef shouldn't it have?
The solution (as per Tim Down)
You need to reselect the range:
By the way parentElement
is not universally supported: it started out IE only, has relatively recently made it into the DOM4 spec and is not yet supported in Firefox (support is coming in Firefox 9.0, apparently). You'll need a workaround based on parentNode
and nodeType