I'am trying to use a jQuery slider in a Lift based application and I don't know how to get back the data from user's actions. Which means, if the user slides the slider on the webpage, I want to be able to use the data on server's side. So I want to import that data as a lift value or anything useful.
The following code is inspired from http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/#range
Here is my (simplified) html page :
<div id="searchMenu" class="lift:surround?with=default;at=content">
<form class="lift:FormSearch?form=post">
<script id="sliderScript"> </script>
<div id="range-slider"></div>
<input name="search" type="submit" value="Submit"/>
Here is my (also a lot simplified) scala file
object FormSearch {
def render = {
val script = "$(function() {"+
"$(\"#range-slider\").slider({ "+
"range: true, "+
"min: 0,"+
"max: 500,"+
"values: [75,300],"+
"#sliderScript *" #> script &
".ui-slider-handle [onclick]" #> SHtml.ajaxInvoke( () => println("event_"))
As you can see, in the last line of my scala file, I tried to catch an event on slider buttons but it doesn't work. So I would like to know if there is a simple method to use jQuery inputs on server's side.
Thanks is advance
PS: it is my first post, sorry if it is not well formated.
Ok I found the perfect solution to my problem so I will share it with you :
Here is my (simplified) html page :
<div id="searchMenu" class="lift:surround?with=default;at=content">
<form class="lift:FormSearch?form=post">
<script id="sliderScript"> </script>
<div id="range-slider"></div>
<input name="f:slider" style="display: none" value=""/>
<input name="search" type="submit" value="Submit"/>
And her is my (simplified) scala code
object FormSearch {
def render = {
val script = "$(function() {"+
"$(\"#range-slider\").slider({ "+
"range: true, "+
"min: 0,"+
"max: 500,"+
"values: [75,300],"+
", slide: function(event, ui) { " +
"document.getElementById('slider').value = value;" +
val slider = ""
// binding
"#sliderScript *" #> script &
"name=f:slider" #> SHtml.text(slider, println(_), "id" -> "slider")
So now, my piece of jQuery code is treated exactly as a text form input. So I can use it the same way as other form stuff including request variables. I hope this solution will help other people.