I'm just picking up Cython. I'm using it to build a core library in my Python project. Currently I've configured a setup.py
file with distutils
and am running the following command whenever I want to recompile the Cython file:
python ./setup.py build_ext --inplace
However, I often forget. I like how Eclipse automatically builds class files for Java every time I edit/save. Is it possible to configure similar behavior for PyDev, Eclipse, or some other clever way?
For now there's no special support in PyDev to automatically compile cython files when they change... if you want you can create an external builder:
Right click project > properties > builders > new > program, then configure the program as python having as a parameter the module to run and receiving as arguments also the ${build_files} variable.
You should probably check if some changed file is a .pyx file and if it is, call the actual build command for that file -- and maybe dependencies.