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Java ExecutorService - scaling

I am trying to write a program in Java using ExecutorService and its function invokeAll. My question is: does the invokeAll function solve the tasks simultaneously? I mean, if I have two processors, there will be two workers at the same time? Because aI can't make it scale correctly. It takes the same time to complete the problem if I give newFixedThreadPool(2) or 1.

List<Future<PartialSolution>> list = new ArrayList<Future<PartialSolution>>();
Collection<Callable<PartialSolution>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<PartialSolution>>();
for(PartialSolution ps : wp)
    tasks.add(new Map(ps, keyWords));
list = executor.invokeAll(tasks);

Map is a class that implements Callable and wp is a vector of Partial Solutions, a class that holds some information in different times.

Why doesn't it scale? What could be the problem?

This is the code for PartialSolution:

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Vector;

public class PartialSolution 
    public String fileName;//the name of a file
    public int b, e;//the index of begin and end of the fragment from the file
    public String info;//the fragment
    public HashMap<String, Word> hm;//here i retain the informations
    public HashMap<String, Vector<Word>> hmt;//this i use for the final reduce

    public PartialSolution(String name, int b, int e, String i, boolean ok)
        this.fileName = name;
        this.b = b;
        this.e = e; = i;
        hm = new HashMap<String, Word>();
        if(ok == true)
            hmt = new HashMap<String, Vector<Word>>();
             hmt = null;

An this is the code for Map:

public class Map implements Callable<PartialSolution>
    private PartialSolution ps;
    private Vector<String> keyWords;

    public Map(PartialSolution p, Vector<String> kw)
    { = p;
        this.keyWords = kw;

    public PartialSolution call() throws Exception 
        String[] st ="\\n");
        for(int j = 0 ; j < st.length ; j++)
            for(int i = 0 ; i < keyWords.size() ; i++)
                if(keyWords.elementAt(i).charAt(0) != '\'')
                    int k = 0;
                    int index = 0;
                    int count = 0;

                    while((index = st[j].indexOf(keyWords.elementAt(i), k)) != -1)
                        k = index + keyWords.elementAt(i).length();
                    if(count != 0)
                        Word wr =;
                        if(wr != null)
                            Word nw = new Word(ps.fileName);
                            nw.nrap = wr.nrap + count;
                            nw.lines = wr.lines;
                            int grep = count;
                            while(grep > 0)
                                nw.lines.addElement(ps.b + j);
                  , nw);
                            Word nw = new Word(ps.fileName);
                            nw.nrap = count;
                            int grep = count;
                            while(grep > 0)
                                nw.lines.addElement(ps.b + j);
                  , nw);
                    String regex = keyWords.elementAt(i).substring(1, keyWords.elementAt(i).length() - 1);
                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(regex);
                    regex = sb.toString();
                    Pattern pt = Pattern.compile(regex);
                    Matcher m = pt.matcher(st[j]);
                    int count = 0;
                    if(count != 0)
                        Word wr =;
                        if(wr != null)
                            Word nw = new Word(;
                            nw.nrap = wr.nrap + count;
                            nw.lines = wr.lines;
                            int grep = count;
                            while(grep > 0)
                                nw.lines.addElement(ps.b + j);
                  , nw);
                            Word nw = new Word(;
                            nw.nrap = count;
                            int grep = count;
                            while(grep > 0)
                                nw.lines.addElement(ps.b + j);
                  , nw);
        } = null;

So in Map i take every line from the fragment and search for every expression the number of appearances and i save also the number of line. After i process all the fragment, in the same PartialSolution i save the informations in a hash map and return the new PartialSolution. In the next step i combine the PartialSolutions with the same fileName and introduce them in a Callable class Reduce, who is the same as map, the difference is that it makes other operations, but returns also a PartialSolution.

This is the code to run the Map tasks:

List<Future<PartialSolution>> list = new ArrayList<Future<PartialSolution>>();
Collection<Callable<PartialSolution>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<PartialSolution>>();
for(PartialSolution ps : wp)
   tasks.add(new Map(ps, keyWords));
list = executor.invokeAll(tasks);

In task i create task of type Map and in list i obtain them. I don't know how to read the JVM thread dump. I hope it's good enough what informations i gave you. I work in NetBeans 7.0.1 if that helps.

Thank you, Alex


  • What i want to know is if the method invokeAll, if i created the ExcutorService with 10 threads, will solve 10 tasks at the same time or will solve one at a time?

    If you submit ten tasks to an ExecutorService with ten threads, it will run them all concurrently. Whether they can proceed completely parallel and independent from each-other depends on what they are doing. But they will each have their own thread.

    And another question, if i say list.get(i).get() this will return the PartialSolution after it was solved?

    Yes, it will block until the computation is done (if not done already) and return its result.

    I really don't understand why doesn't the time improves if i use 2 threads instead of 1.

    We need to see more code. Do they synchronize on some shared data? How long do these tasks take? If they are very short, you may not notice any difference. If they take longer, look at the JVM thread dump to verify that all of them are running.