Quick one; I doubt it's possible, but is there any way to take advantage of the array($key => $value);
syntax of PHP with regard to SplObjectStorage
What I mean is, is there any such way to achieve:
$store = // ?
new KeyObject() => new ValueObject(),
new KeyObject() => new ValueObject(),
// ...
In the context initializing an object store? As of the moment I'm simply using: (and will probably continue, considering the sheer unlikeliness of this being a possibility)
$store = new SplObjectStorage();
$store[new KeyObject()] = new ValueObject();
$store[new KeyObject()] = new ValueObject();
// ...
Would be nice, highly doubting it, but maybe someone knows better.
While it would be a more concise syntax, unfortunately it's not possible. The best you can do is either:
$store[new KeyObject()] = new ValueObject();
$store->append( new KeyObject(), new ValueObject());
When adding object to an SplObjectStorage