I modified the simple example of jQuery.post as
$("#searchForm").submit(function(event) {
var $form = $( this ),
term = $( "input[name^=tick]:checked" ).serialize(),
url = $form.attr( 'action' );
$.post( url, { ticks: term, id: '55' },
function( data ) {
$( "#result" ).empty().append( data );
This works for single checkbox with val()
but not for multiple checkboxes in
<input type="checkbox" name="tick" value="'.$value.'" />
since serialize() should generate
ticks: termto be used as
How can I make the serialize()
to generate appropriate data for $.post
NOTE: I do not want to serialize the entire form but only checked values of checkbox INPUT.
You could use .serializeArray() Ref: http://api.jquery.com/serializeArray/