I am using Plone 3 and currently trying to override one of the default javascript files i.e. table_sorter.js.
Under the browser directory of my product, I created a directory "javascripts" (just to keep things organized), then registered the directory as a ressource, in configure.zcml:
layer=".interfaces.IThemeSpecific" />
Where "myproduct" is self explanatory. Then in jssregistry.xml, I registered and ordered the javascript files:
<javascript id="++resource++myproduct.javascripts/table_sorter.js"
insert-after="jquery.js" />
Where table_sorter.js is the name of the javascript file that I need to override.
The reason I need to override the file is because the default has no way of telling the user whether a table is sortable or not until it is clicked on. I need to include icons on the table header by default.
I have followed the above steps but it does not seem to work. I have no idea where I'm going wrong. Any help will be highly appreciated.
You are missing the generic setup import step. Add a file skins.xml to your gs profile with this code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_skins" allow_any="False" cookie_persistence="False">
<object name="plonetheme_mytheme_js"
meta_type="Filesystem Directory View"
<skin-path name="*">
<layer name="plonetheme_mytheme_js"
After that, rembember to reinstall your product in order to apply your new gs step
Note: I'm giving another answer simply because code in comments isn't readable. Look at the @Martijn Pierters 's answer (and comments) for the initial part.