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Backbone and jQuery events

I have a simple task - retrieve click listener function from DOM element.

I've fased two problems:

  1. I have no idea how to obtain event listener, that was set via addEventListener function
  2. $(element).data('events') is always empty

Talking about first problem - I think it's not critical as I'm using this function only in one place. But the second problem is a huge pain...

I've tested on pure jQuery environment:

    $(element).data('events') /*contains events info*/

But with Backbone:

    $(element).data('events') /*alway empty*/

I'm not a JS guru but it seems like there no bound data at all... Maybe it's just a typical Backbone behaviour, but still - how can I retrieve event handler?


  • If you are using Backbone.js you should be managing your events inside a Backbone.View object and avoid capturing the event with JQuery directly.

    You should try something like this:

    var myBody  = $( 'body' );
    var myDIV = $( '<DIV id="contentDIV"></DIV>' );
    myBody.append( myDIV );
    var myButton = $( '<button id="aButton">test</button>' );
    myDIV.append ( myButton );
    var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
        el : myDIV,
        events: { 'click button#aButton' : 'doSomething' }, //here you bound the 
                                                            //event to a function.
        initialize: function(){
            _.bindAll(this, 'render') 
        render: function(){
        doSomething: function(){
            alert( 'doSomething function.. after click event' );
    var myView = new MyView;

    PS: A good tutorial for understanding how it works: