I am implementing my own fsm to parse a file. I am new to fsm pattern so trying to learn about it.
My fsm class takes a stream of the file that is being parsed along with the current state and a collection of all accepting states.
Now I am confused about couple of things.
How does the fsm move through states and keep track of what has been parsed so far?
What information should the state object store? Right now they have a pattern that they match on the line and see if fsm can move to this state or not.
File to parse:
Person: bob smith
Age: 33
Location: new York
End person
Person: Jane smith
Age: 66
Location: Chicago
End person
So I have a state for person start, age, location and end person. Each state object has a patter. (regex) to check if the given line is accepted by them or not.
But I am stuck on how would I construct a Person object when parsing this file using fsm??
Have a list of persons (empty initially). Have a currentPerson
variable to a new Person. currentPerson
. When you reach the end of the file, the list of persons contains all your persons.