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Can I call an overridden method from the super of the super?

Assume that I have these three classes:

class Foo {
    void fn() {
        System.out.println("fn in Foo");

class Mid extends Foo {
    void fn() {
        System.out.println("fn in Mid");

class Bar extends Mid {
    void fn() {
        System.out.println("fn in Bar");

    void gn() {
        Foo f = (Foo) this;

public class Trial {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Bar b = new Bar();;

Is it possible to call a Foo's fn()? I know that my solution in gn() doesn't work because this is pointing to an object of type Bar.


  • It's not possible in Java. You can use super but it always uses the method in immediate superclass in type hierarchy.

    Also note that this:

    Foo f = (Foo) this;

    is the very definition of polymoprhism how virtual call works: even though f is of type Foo, but at runtime f.fn() is dispatched to Bar.fn(). Compile-time type doesn't matter.