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Long to Double in Jexl

I use Jexl lib from apache and have some problems with using the evaluate() method of Expression class. Here is the code of NelderMead class:

import org.apache.commons.jexl2.*;

public class NelderMead {
    // контсанты
    private static int      M = 3;
    private static double   E = 0.005;
    private static double   A = 1.000;
    private static double   B = 0.500;
    private static double   Y = 2.000;

    // переменные
    private JexlEngine jexl;
    private Expression func;
    private String funcString = "";
    private MapContext[] iterations;

    public NelderMead(){
        this.jexl = new JexlEngine();

    public NelderMead(String funcString){
        this.jexl = new JexlEngine();

    public void setFunc(String funcString){
        this.funcString = funcString;
        this.func = this.jexl.createExpression(funcString);

    public double funcEval(MapContext args){
    return ((Double) this.func.evaluate(args)).doubleValue();


    public boolean checkCriterian(){
        return true;

And the code of testcase is:

import org.apache.commons.jexl2.MapContext;

public class Test {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NelderMead nm = new NelderMead("(x1-2)^4+(x1-2*x2)^2");
        MapContext mc = new MapContext();
        mc.set("x1", 2);
        mc.set("x2", 1);



And when I run the testcase, it cause the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Double
    at NelderMead.funcEval(
    at Test.main(

I can't understand why it can't cast to Double?


Here is the javadoc of evaluate() function.


  • this test case should mimic your problem

    package com.sg2net.test;
    public class TestCast {
         * @param args
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            TestCast tc= new TestCast();
        public double funcEval(){
            return ((Long) eval()).doubleValue();
        private Object eval() {
            return new Long(1);

    It runs without problems. Is the code you posted the code that gives you the exception?

    here is you code with the Long modification

    import org.apache.commons.jexl2.*;
    public class NelderMead {
        // контсанты
        private static int      M = 3;
        private static double   E = 0.005;
        private static double   A = 1.000;
        private static double   B = 0.500;
        private static double   Y = 2.000;
        // переменные
        private JexlEngine jexl;
        private Expression func;
        private String funcString = "";
        private MapContext[] iterations;
        public NelderMead(){
            this.jexl = new JexlEngine();
        public NelderMead(String funcString){
            this.jexl = new JexlEngine();
        public void setFunc(String funcString){
            this.funcString = funcString;
            this.func = this.jexl.createExpression(funcString);
        public double funcEval(MapContext args){
        return ((Long) this.func.evaluate(args)).doubleValue();
        public boolean checkCriterian(){
            return true;

    It runs with no problems. The evaluate functions returns a Long which is an Object. The evaluate function can return any class since Object is the root class in Java.