This is probably very basic stuff but I'm stuck and a bit clueless.
I wrote a Snake game recently in CoffeeScript, but I'm not at all happy with the way I structured the code.
I'm trying to rewrite this using classes. I have a Game class, a Snake class, a Food class. It makes sense in my head to do it this way. However, to access variables and functions, I'm using the '@' (this) keyword, and I feel like I'm completely overdoing it. For example, I have a list of constants at the top of my Game class. I had to declare all of them as @CONSTANT
to be able to access them. Or, inside of a method:
clearCanvas: ->
@ctx.clearRect 0, 0, @canvas.width, @canvas.height
The same goes for method calls. For example:
init: ->
window.snake = new Snake()
Can someone tell me if this is okay to do, or how I should structure my code? I can put a link up to the code I'm working with at the moment, if someone would be so kind to review it for me. (Edit: actually here it is)
Thanks a lot.
If you're using CoffeeScript classes you'll be making heavy use of @
. Any properties on your objects must be accessed through @
or this
. Here's how you should be using constants:
class Game
up: 1
right: 2
down: 4
left: 8
someMethod: ->
console.log @up, @right, @down, @left
console.log "Class accessible #{Game::up}"
g = new Game
console.log "Object accessinble #{g.up}"
Also, @thejh is right. You should be using soft tabs at 2 space width.