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Using GeoTools: What is the Latitude and Longitude in com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate class?

I will use com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate as my coordinate class. But don't find any document which is the correct order of the coordinate. is it standard?

Here's the java doc link ->

My question is: What is x? (is it Latitude or Longitude?) What is y? (is it Latitude or Longitude?)

Any guidance is appreciated.

UPDATES1 Let me to add this. I am using GeoTools Java Library. Then, the library is using that Coordinate class. How does GeoTools treat the Coordinate.x and Coordinate.y?


  • It depends on the projection you are using. Check the EPSG definition and it will list the axis order. For example see If you are using GeoTools then you probably don't need to be worrying about the JTS internals.


    I remembered this document which may help (