First, I am learning C++, and need your help with an issue I have... I have the following piece of code:
std::string var2;
std::string MSG1="1";
char charSeq[1024];
cout << charSeq << endl;
var2 = charSeq;
cout << var2 << endl;
The above does for me what I want, which is taking the contents of the character sequence named charSeq and put them in the string variable named var2 But when I want to do comparison or any operation on the string variable var2, I cannot, for example, if charSeq has the value of 1, and I assigned this value to var2, then I made comparison between MSG and var2, the result is always false, like var2 has no value or has a wrong value...
if (var2==MSG1)
// the code here never gets executed, even when the values are the same in var2 and MSG...
// the result is always false and this condition executed no matter what var2 and MSG values were...
Can you help me with some tips on this?
After reading the comment from Seth above (thank you very much for the tip of the length), I managed to solve the issue: I was having 2 invisible characters in charSeq, and those were copied to var2, this was causing the false result of the comparison, what I did is:
cout << "charseq length: " << strlen(charSeq) << endl;
cout << "var2 length: " << var2.length() << endl;
var2.erase(var2.length()-2,var2.length()); //here is what i did...
cout << "var2 new length: " << var2.length() << endl; // the result was the correct length of the visible characters, and the comparison condition was executed...
Thanks again for all of you...