I have this line of code in an ant bulider:
<taskdef id="acceleoCompiler" name="acceleoCompiler" classname="org.eclipse.acceleo.parser.compiler.AcceleoCompiler" classpathref="Framework.libraryclasspath" >
It is complaining with the following:
taskdef class org.eclipse.acceleo.parser.compiler.AcceleoCompiler cannot be found using the classloader
It also says the same thing as an error when i attempt to run the ant build. What is the problem and how do i fix this?
I have the following in my ant builder:
<path id="Framework.classpath">
<path refid="Framework.libraryclasspath" />
<path id="Framework.libraryclasspath">
<pathelement location="${ECLIPSE_HOME}/plugins/org.eclipse.acceleo.parser_3.2.0.v20111027-0537.jar"/>
And it is still not working. With the same error as before.
My path variables were wrong. Correcting those fixed the problem. However, i am now experiencing a different problem. Will post new question and put link to it from here.