I am relatively new to Nhibernate. I am trying to update a stored procedure. I got the below section in the named query.
<sql-query name="TestUpdate">
exec UpdateTest :DateField :StringField :IntField :BoolField :NullIntField
Testupdate is a stored procedure which will has a simple update statement in it. I am updating the parameters using the following line of code.
int? testdata = null;
IQuery query = Session.GetNamedQuery("TestUpdate");
query.SetDateTime("DateField", DateTime.Now.AddDays(10));
query.SetString("StringField", "UK");
query.SetInt32("IntField", 100);
query.SetBoolean("BoolField", true);
query.SetInt32("NullIntField", testdata.GetValueOrDefault());
query.SetParameter("NullIntField", null,NHibernateUtil.Int32);
var cmd = new SqlCommand(query.QueryString, (SqlConnection)Session.Connection);
However, when I look at the value of query.QueryString
, it still points to the same value (exec UpdateTest :DateField :StringField :IntField :BoolField :NullIntField
). It seems like the named parameters are not getting assigned. What should I do to get around this problem?
I am using SharpArchitecutre, which uses fluent nhibernate to query the data.
Please note, I have searched the forum for this particular issue and I couldn't land on an example.
I am sure the issue could be trivial, but I couldn't find a solution so far.
Any help is appreciated.
There is little support for stored procedures in NHibernate. For more information, check out the NH documentation: http://nhibernate.info/doc/nh/en/index.html#querysql-limits-storedprocedures
And perhaps this might help you along: http://ayende.com/blog/1692/using-nhibernate-with-stored-procedures