I have created 2 separate wicket web projects. Now i want put them together in multi-module maven project and put the dependency as required. Will it give problem when i have have web-inf folders. Example Project A has web-inf Project B also has web-inf.
Now i put both Project "A" and "B" into a multi-module maven Project named "C", and have the pom.xml of project "B" changed so it includes the dependency of "A"
Finally i want to deploy war of project "B".
I recommend to create another Maven module "D" (with jar packaging) which would contain all the shared code between modules "A" and "B".
The module "A" will need to have a dependency on "D" and the module "B" will need to have a dependency on "D" as well.
The benefit of this approach is to have both web projects ("A", "B") still able to deploy to a web server while maintaining the code shared between them on one place ("D").