I am using Spring security core plugin.
I want to test if the logged user is the creator of a Note. Note is Grails domain class. Note.creator is User which is my User domain class for Spring Security Core plugin.
The next code does not work
<g:set var="loggedUserId"><sec:loggedInUserInfo field="id"/></g:set>
<g:if test="${note.creator.id == loggedUserId}">
Never jumps here
However, If I include both values in separated lines, the output of both is the same
Any idea what I am missing? Thanks in advanced!
<g:if test="${note.creator.id.toString() == loggedUserId.toString()}">
Try like that maybe, loggedInUserInfo returns a string and creatorId is supposedly a long, so equation without cast wouldn't be true.
You should put logic like that into a taglib though.