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Client Access AS400 Java wrapper

Is there free/non-free Client Access Java bases wrapper that can simulating End-User typing into Client Access Session

  • login with popup Dialog/Window for UserName & PassWord

  • moving to the column & row from the input file

  • typing chars to the session from the input file

  • copy warning (column & row & lenght) to the output file

  • test if (column & row & lenght) contains some Text from the input file

  • waiting required time from the input file

  • reporting to the output file

  • logOff from the input file

  • reset & restart session after logOff from the input file

similair funcionalities as for example by using AutoIt,


  • If you don't mind doing some java hacking ... you could take a look at the TN5250J project for information on how to interact with the 5250 data stream.

    This isn't going to give you routines to directly control a session ... but you might be able to adapt some of the code to your own purposes.