is there a way to specify the size of the image placeholder with SWFObject?
Basically I want to scale up the size of the image in flashvars.
var flashvars = {
'file': '<% Response.Write(VideoURL); %>',
'autostart': 'false',
'image': '<% Response.Write(Image); %>',
'screencolor': '#FFFFFF'
var params = {
'allowfullscreen': 'true',
'allowscriptaccess': 'always',
'bgcolor': '#FFFFFF',
'wmode': 'opaque'
var attributes = {
'id': 'player1',
'name': 'player1'
swfobject.embedSWF('../player-licensed.swf', 'flash', '580', '350', '9', 'false', flashvars, params, attributes);
EDIT: No one knows if this is doable?
here's the answer:
needed to add: 'stretching': 'exactfit'