I developed an application using the JRE 7.0.0. In the simulator the app works fine, but when I tried to install this application in the 9300 with OS 6.0.0 it doesn't work. Do I need to recompile the application with JRE 6.0.0 or can I change something in the .alx file???
Here's my .alx
<loader version="1.0">
<application id="Sistema">
<name >
<description >
<version >
<vendor >
BlackBerry Developer
<copyright >
Copyright (c) 2011 BlackBerry Developer
<fileset Java="1.54" _blackberryVersion="[7.0.0)">
<directory >
<files >
Compile your file with blackberry jde version 6, then it will run. There is no backward compatibility. If you compile the file with jde version 7 it will run on blackberry version 7 or greater and will not run on blackberry 6 and if you compile it with version 6 it will run on version 6 and greater than version 6.