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How to insert entity over WCF-RIA-Services JSON endpoint

My WCF-RIA DomainService has an insert method that looks like this:

public void InsertWidget(WidgetDef widgetDef)

class WidgetDef
    int widgetID;
    string title;
    int x;
    int x;
    // there are more properties, but I think you get the idea...

To access this through the JSON endpoint, I think I need to POST a changeset to the url:


I'm pretty sure I got the URL correct, because my request reaches the WidgetService.Initialize method, but then I get an exception in the server - which is no surprise because I don't know what the content of the request should look like.

My Question: What is the (JSON) format of a HTTP request's content for an insert operation?


  • Insert changeset for the example given would look like this:

                        "title":"the new title", 
                "Operation":2    // '2' for insert, '3' for update, '4' for delete 

    Thanks to following blog post: