I need a tray notify from another form. ControlPanel.cs (default form, notifyicon here):
public partial class ControlPanel : Form
public string TrayP
get { return ""; }
set { TrayPopup(value, "test");}
public void TrayPopup(string message, string title)
TrayIcon.BalloonTipText = message;
TrayIcon.BalloonTipTitle = title;
Form1.cs (another form):
public partial class Form1 : Form
public ControlPanel cp;
private void mouse_Up(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
On line cp.TrayP = "TRAY POPUP THIS";
I am getting a NullException.
If i change it to cp.TrayPopup("TRAY POPUT THIS", "test");
an exception throws whatever.
If i make this:
private void mouse_Up(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
var CP = new ControlPanel();
CP.TrayPopup("TRAY POPUP THIS", "test");
, tray popup shows, but it`s creates the second tray icon and then show balloon hint from new icon. What can I do? P.S.: Sorry for bad English.
If you are opening second form "Form1" from ControlPanel, you should pass the instance of CP to Form1, like
public partial class ControlPanel : Form
public void ShowForm1(){
FOrm1 f1 = new Form1();
public void TrayPopup(string message, string title)
TrayIcon.BalloonTipText = message;
TrayIcon.BalloonTipTitle = title;
public partial class Form1 : Form
public ControlPanel _cp;
public void SetCP(controlPanel cp){
_cp = cp;
private void mouse_Up(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
if(_cp != null)
_cp.TrayPopup("TRAY POPUP THIS", "test");