I'm reading from a CSV, line by line and tokenizing each comma separated value. each token is a string type. and I'm putting it into a vector of type float. In the example below, if for example if the value in the csv is "0.08" , *beg = "0.08" , but in vector v it is "0.079999998"
Is there someway that I can set the precision in the vector to 3 decimal places or something.
string line;
boost::char_separator<char> sep(",");
typedef boost::tokenizer< boost::char_separator<char> > t_tokenizer;
ifstream myfile (fileName);
while (myfile.good())
getline (myfile,line);
t_tokenizer tok(line, sep);
for (t_tokenizer::iterator beg = tok.begin(); beg != tok.end(); ++beg)
string temp = *beg;
You are using atof
, which implies you're using float
to hold the data. Floating point values do not hold base-10 values as accurately as you might expect. So simple numbers like this may not have a good binary representation.
You have a couple options:
Deal with imprecision properly. You must always be aware of precision when dealing with floating point, so if you want to display that number to the nearest 2 decimal places, do the proper rounding and it will always work like you want.
Use integers only. If you only ever need 2 digits of precision after the decimal point, just store the values as int
which are multiplied by 100. So 0.08
is stored as 8
. Write your own functions to parse directly into this format.