How do I set a CLASSPATH variable during runtime while using IKVM?
I've been trying to do it by using:
java.lang.System.setProperty("java.class.path", "whatever");
The class I'm calling requires a configuration file in the classpath to work - and I keep getting errors that seem to indicate that it hasn't gotten its settings.
Is the way I'm trying to add variable incorrect?
I was trying to do the same thing. I had some jar files compiled to a .Net dll but some of those (3rd party) jar files were trying to load their configuration files from the java classpath.
I solved the problem by specifying the -classloader option for the ikvmc tool. Example:
ikvmc -out:mydotnetapp.dll -classloader:ikvm.runtime.ClassPathAssemblyClassLoader c:/myjavaapp/lib/*.jar
This worked for me!
Source for the solution: