I am working with BitBucket online repository. i opened a new repository and synced some folder (with tortoisehg) on my computer, then opened an eclipse project inside that folder.
Now when i want to commit, the /bin folder is being synced as well... obviously i don't want that to happen, all i want is to sync the /src and the /test.
Can someone please help me with this.
Add a .hgignore file to your root directory and then manually remove anything which got added before the .hgignore file was created or synced to the local repository.
If you just want to ignore /bin at the top level (ignore directory and contents), add the line:
If you want to ignore the contents of /bin at the top level (include directory, ignore contents, add the line:
If you want to ignore all directories name bin, add the line:
If you want to ignore the contents of all directories named bin (but keep the directory), add the line:
If you want to ignore some of the contents of all directories named bin, add a line like:
By default, it uses regular expression syntax. If you'd rather use glob syntax, you can add a line which changes the syntax for all following lines:
syntax: glob
So, to ignore all files in a root directory named bin, you could alternately add:
syntax: glob
Here's the man page about hgignore files.