My server side code:-
public class ExternalPartnerApplication extends {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
return new HashSet<Class<?>>() { { add(ExternalPartnerApplicationResource.class); } };
public class ExternalPartnerApplicationResource {
* public constructor according to JSR-3.1.2 specification.
public ExternalPartnerApplicationResource() {}
// type "text/plain"
public String retrieveTier2ByCountry(
@PathParam("distributorId") String distributorId,
@PathParam("countryCd") String countryCd
) {
if(distributorId == null && countryCd == null)
return null;
else //Moving logic from Controller to (Business) Model.
return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><retrieveTier2ByCountry/>";
<description>JAX-RS Tools Generated - Do not modify</description>
Client:- On Was 7.0 with RAD 8.0.3
RestClient restClient = new RestClient();
Resource resource = restClient.resource("http://localhost:9080/externalpartnerws/retrievetier2/bycountry/distributorId/2/countryCd/2");
ClientResponse response = resource.get();
String responseXml = response.getEntity(String.class);
I am new in Jax-RS and now on a dead-lock condition with small code in Jax-RS.
I am getting
The following error occurred during the invocation of the handlers chain: 404 - Not Found with message ''null'' while processing GET request sent to ......
Am I doing any basic mistake? Last two days I am spending on this. Please let me know if you require anymore information.
Looks like either your path or path template is wrong. In the example you are giving, you are sending request to the following path (relative to your app root):
(i.e. 5 path segments in total: bycountry, distributorId, 2, countryCd, 2)
However, the template on your resource says:
(i.e. only 3 path segments: bycountry, {distributorId}, {countryCd})
That does not match - so you are getting 404.
Either you should change the URL you are sending your request to like this:
Or you should change the path template on your resource to this: /bycountry/distributorId/{distributorId}/countryCd/{countryCd}
Then it should work.