I have the following LinqDataSource:
<asp:LinqDataSource ID = "agreementDs"
ContextTypeName = "AdministrationDataContext"
TableName = "Agreements"
runat = "server"
EnableUpdate = "true"
Where = "AgreementId=@AgreementId">
<asp:QueryStringParameter QueryStringField = "AgreementId"
Name = "AgreementId"
Type = "Int32"
DefaultValue = "-1" />
It is supposed to fetch one row from the agreements database table. How can I detect if the parameter AgreementId is -1 and if so either serve up a 404 page or redirect the user to the front page of my site? I cant figure out what the correct place is to insert this logic in the code-behind.
Update: It is not only when the AgreementId parameter is -1 that the user should be redirected. It should always happen when the data source does not contain any rows.
Add an "OnSelecting" method name to your LINQ Data Source, then from that method, check for whatever you need:
<asp:LinqDataSource runat="server" OnSelecting="ldsSelecting" .... />
protected void ldsSelecting(object o, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
// check for query string or other stuff here, redirect if needed