I have a program that requires cascaded SSH, i.e. it ssh A server and then using same connection ssh B server. Server A is acting as a bridge. I have an instance of shell which is used to ssh first server.
When I am doing ssh user@ipAddress, it asks for password. I tried ssh user@ipAddress\npassword. It doesn't seem to be working.
I cannot use any external tools like ssh-agent or expect. I have no control over the server A.
Is there a way I can provide password as an argument or enter password?
You should generate a RSA key on the client
and put the public key in the authorized key in the authorized_key
folder on the server to be able to connect to the server without a password.
An step by step guide is given here.
Edit: If you have no access to the server, use a ssh-library for Java as decrived in this question.