I have a char data[len]
populated from unzipped data that is read off of a binary file.
I know that data
can only be of these types: char, uchar, short, ushort, int, uint, float, double
for which I know exact number of bits needed to represent (elesize = {8, 16, 32, 64}
I just want to traverse the data list and, say, find the max()
, min()
or number of occurrences of a given number. and I want to do this without creating another array for memory space concerns.
I have come up with the following but it is slow for example for len == 34560000
So I was wondering if anyone has a 'one-liner' or a more efficient way for doing this (either C or C++).
char data[len];
double mymax = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
for (size_t i=0; i<len; i += elesize)
double x;
char *r = data+i;
if (elementtype == "char")
x = static_cast<double>(*r);
else if (elementtype == "uchar")
x = static_cast<double>(*((unsigned char *)r));
else if (elementtype == "short")
x = static_cast<double>(*((int16_t *)r));
else if (elementtype == "ushort")
x = static_cast<double>(*((uint16_t *)r));
else if (elementtype == "int")
x = static_cast<double>(*((int32_t *)r));
else if (elementtype == "uint")
x = static_cast<double>(*((uint32_t *)r));
else if (elementtype == "float")
x = static_cast<double>(*((float *)r));
else if (elementtype == "double")
x = *((double *)r);
if (x > mymax)
mymax = x;
A template should do nicely:
#include <algorithm>
template <typename T>
T read_and_advance(const unsigned char * & p)
T x;
unsigned char * const px = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&x);
std::copy(p, p + sizeof(T), px);
P += sizeof(T);
return x;
const unsigned char * p = the_data;
unsigned int max = 0;
while (p != the_data + data_length)
max = std::max(max, read_and_advance<unsigned int>(p));
Scrap this, I thought originally the question was for C.
Here's a macro:
#define READ_TYPE(T, buf, res) do { memcpy(&res, buf, sizeof(T)); buf += sizeof(T); } while (false)
int max = 0;
unsigned char * p = data;
while (true)
unsigned int res;
READ_TYPE(unsigned int, p, res);
if (res > max) max = res;
You don't really get around specifying the type, though. In C++ this could be done a bit more elegantly.
Alternatively you can wrap it all in one:
#define READ_TYPE_AND_MAX(T, buf, max) \
do { T x; memcpy(&x, buf, sizeof(T)); \
buf += sizeof(T); \
if (max < x) max = x; \
} while (false)
// Usage:
unsigned int max = 0;
unsigned char * p = data;
while (true) { READ_TYPE_AND_MAX(unsigned int, p, max); }