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java agent class not found exception

I have a directory structure "D:\workspace 2\project\lib" where I have all the files ""(which I copied from src and placed it here to make it easier), "asm-all.3.3.jar", "myagent.jar". Now when I try to invoke my java program like this from command prompt

D:\workspace 2\project\lib>java -javaagent:myagent.jar -cp asm-all-3.3.jar;.

it gives me exception in thread main java.lang.NoclassDefFoundError AgentMain/java and says couldnot find the main class

What is wrong here?


  • You're trying to execute your source file ( instead of the class. Make sure you've compiled AgentMain with javac and then remove the .java file extension.

    UPDATE based on discussion from the comments: Since your AgentMain class is defined in a package called "main" once you compile your class, its corresponding class file must be in a directory called "main".

    so if you're running from your "d:\workspace 2\project\lib" directory with the command you included, the compiled class needs to be in d:\workspace 2\project\lib\main\AgentMain.class