I am implementing in Ruby on Rails, and i have 2 views. In my first view i read in a file and show the first rows (this works fine), then in my second view ( in the method in the controller ) i write a temporary file. Just the same. And i want to show the content of this temporary file again. But this doesn't work, I always get the error :
IOError in Project importerController#result
closed stream
this is my code in the controller, behind the first view i do:
tmpfile = Tempfile.new("tempfile")
if tmpfile
tmpfilename = File.basename(tmpfile.path)
tmpfilenametest = tmpfilename
if !$tmpfiles
$tmpfiles = Hash.new
$tmpfiles[tmpfilename] = tmpfile
flash[:error] = "Cannot save import file."
@path = tmpfile.path
session[:importer_tmpfile] = tmpfilename
and then in my next view , I want to read this file by:
tmpfilename = session[:importer_tmpfile]
i = 0
sample_count = 5
if tmpfilename
tmpfile = $tmpfiles[tmpfilename]
if tmpfile == nil
flash[:error] = "Tijdelijk bestand bestaat niet!"
fields_map = params[:fields_map]
attrs_map = fields_map.invert
@sampletemp = []
@parsed_tempfile.each do |row|
@sampletemp[i] = row
i = i+1
In this view i just want to show it, i just have:
<% @sampletemp.each do |x| %>
<%= x %>
<% end %>
Does anybody see what i am doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
AFAIK, a Tempfile only lasts until you close it - then it is no longer valid. If you want to actually save data in a file that sticks around after you close it - then you'll need to use a real File.
Edit; According to our discussion, I don't think you need a tempfile at all. You are just displaying parts of the file-data that the user has uploaded for you. You don't need a real file object for that (tempfile or otherwise).
The user uploads a "file" and you can parse the CSV (as you've done) then afterwards you can just treat it as an array of strings. Save it in an @var like "@csv_lines" and in your views access the array @csv_lines however you need to.