I wrote a interrupt routine for 8051, using Keil C51, as follows:
void intrupt1(void) interrupt 2 // ext interrupt 1 vector
char i,j,prime;
P2 = 0;
prime = 1;
prime = 0;
if(prime == 1)
P2 = i;
P2 = 0;
When I tried to simulate it, it showed the correct prime numbers till 128 and after that it turned into a 8 bit counter and after that back to prime number showing, i.e. after 127 (the last expected prime number), the output was 128,129,130....255,prime numbers till 127,128,129....
I also wrote a routine for external interrupt 0, which is a 4 bit counter (it works correctly), but i guess that shouldn't affect the above.
Most likely char
is signed in your compiler (the C standard allows char
to be either signed or unsigned) and has a range of -128 to 127. Any value from this range is less than 128. So, the loop condition is always true and the loop is therefore infinite.