How to handle this two inputs so that both can be sent to the controller and save as Date Time? Or is any helpper/gem looks like date and time picker from html5?
%input{:type => "date", :value => "yyyy-mm-dd"}
%input{:type => "time", :value => "07:00"}
= f.datetime_select :time
EDIT: Occurred to me simpler solution I checked and it works with datetime field:
%input{:name => "model[start_at]", :type => "date", :value => "yyyy-mm-dd"}
%input{:name => "model[start_at]", :type => "time", :value => "07:00"}
Assuming that your datetime field is called "started_at", try this:
1) in your model, define these two methods:
def started_at_string
# return started_at datetime converted to a string in a desired format, e.g.:
self.started_at =
# also you should process cases when the string is not a datetime
2) in your view:
f.text_field :started_at_string
3) apply this date picker to the text field: , and this time picker on top: , and you will get a nice datetime picker.
This method does not work quite nicely for iPhone, though (a screen keyboard and a picker pop up simultaneously and make it difficult to enter a date).