I recently asked a question about mouse RECORDING. Now I need to figure out how to REPLAY it.
Recent question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8129723/record-mouse-movement-with-javascript
I will use PHP to make an identical copy of the current page, then I will insert the replay script in it. The script will add and move araound an absolut posisioned image acording to multiple x and y cordinates, in relation to time (to illustrate the mousemovement).
Are there any good methods (better then below) to replay mulitple mousemovements?
<input style="width:100%" type="text" name="onlyforstackoverflow1" value="0" size="4"><br>
<input style="width:100%" type="text" name="onlyforstackoverflow2" value="0" size="4">
// I want this (a very long array with x-cordinates, y-cordinates and time from pageload)
var very_long_array = [1,2,1000,2,22,2000,3,33,3645,4,44,3456];
// To become the same as this
setTimeout("document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow1.value = 1;document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow2.value = 11;",100)
setTimeout("document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow1.value = 2;document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow2.value = 22;",200)
setTimeout("document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow1.value = 3;document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow2.value = 33;",364)
setTimeout("document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow1.value = 4;document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow2.value = 44;",453)
// in the real script it will be moving around an image instead...
var dataList = [ 1, 2, 1000, 2, 22, 2000 ], // the long big array
preTime = 0;
function run() {
var parts = dataList.splice( 0, 3 ), // after splice, dataList will be auto updated
if ( parts.length == 3 ) {
nowTime = parts[ 2 ];
setTimeout( function() {
replay( parts[ 0 ], parts[ 1 ] ); // x = parts[ 0 ], y = parts[ 1 ]
preTime = nowTime;
// continue run next replay
}, nowTime - preTime );
function replay( x, y ) {
// do something with x, y;
// document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow1.value = x;
// document.Show.onlyforstackoverflow2.value = y;
// start
Just use setTimeout to do the task, you needn't write every task as a statement :-)