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Cocoa-Applescript NSOpenPanel?

How do I do an NSOpenPanel in Cocoa-Applescript? Are there any good tutorials? I am familiar with Applescript, but not really the Cocoa part. Do I need a nib for the NSOpenPanel? I am making an Automator action. See my previous question.


  • Shane Stanley's PDF book AppleScriptObjC Explored is the one to get for AppleScriptObjC tutorials - pretty much all of the examples from Apple are in the existing ObjC documentation and would need to be converted.

    There is an Automator path pop-up button you can use in your action's interface, but a basic open panel goes something like the following (it doesn't need its own nib):

    set defaultDirectory to POSIX path of (path to desktop) -- a place to start
    tell current application's NSOpenPanel's openPanel()
        setTitle_("Panel Test")
        setPrompt_("Choose") -- the button name
        setMessage_("Choose some stuff:")
        setDirectoryURL_(current application's NSURL's URLWithString_(defaultDirectory))
        set theResult to it's runModal() as integer -- show the panel
        if theResult is current application's NSFileHandlingPanelCancelButton then quit -- cancel button
        set theFiles to URLs() as list --> a list of NSURLs
    end tell

    Note that if using the AppleScript Editor, you can't run AppleScriptObjC code directly from the editor, you need to run it in a Cocoa-AppleScript applet. There is an ASObjC Runner background application (also by Mr. Stanley) that can be used from the editor, though.