for a school project I need to find theta and phi for a spherical texture map. A lot of the actual OpenGL for texturing is already completed (comes with the starter code). The starter code provides the function and comments below. The code is what I have done so far (besides the initialization for x and z, which was given) :
Vec3f sphere::getTextureCoords(Vec3f eye, Vec3f dir)
// find the normal (getNormal)
Vec3f n = this->getNormal(eye, dir);
// use these to find spherical coordinates
Vec3f x(1, 0, 0);
Vec3f z(0, 0, 1);
// phi is the angle down from z
// theta is the angle from x curving toward y
// find phi using the normal and z
float phi = acos(n.Dot3(z));
// find the x-y projection of the normal
Vec3f proj(n.x(), n.y(), 0);
// find theta using the x-y projection and x
float theta = acos(proj.Dot3(x));
// if x-y projection is in quadrant 3 or 4, then theta = 2PI - theta
if (proj.y() < 0)
theta = TWOPI - theta;
Vec3f coords;
coords.set(theta / TWOPI, phi / PI, 0);
return coords;
Following the "instructions" in the comments, this is what I came up with. The texture map does not work though (no errors, the coordinates are just wrong). It is possible that the getNormal
function is not working correctly but I believe the problem lies in my lack of understanding for spherical coordinates. Please let me know what you believe to be the issue, thanks!
Since proj
is not normalized, you get a wrong result for theta
BTW, your naming of theta and phi is unconventional (it confused me at first). Usually the angle from z is called theta and the angle in the x-y-plane is called phi.