I am working on a winforms application.
I have a function to validate the URL.
private void checkForSPSiteValidity(DataGridView Sites_dataGridView)
foreach (DataGridViewRow myRow in SharePointSites_dataGridView.Rows)
DataGridViewImageCell cell = myRow.Cells[CommonCodeClass.status_GridCol] as DataGridViewImageCell;
string url = myRow.Cells[CommonCodeClass.spURL_GridCol].Value.ToString();
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(url);
WebResponse res = req.GetResponse();
cell.Value = Image.FromFile(CommonCodeClass.Correct_Icons);
catch (WebException ex)
if (ex.Message.Contains("remote name could not be resolved"))
DataGridViewImageCell cell = myRow.Cells[CommonCodeClass.status_GridCol] as DataGridViewImageCell;
cell.Value = Image.FromFile(CommonCodeClass.warning_Icon);
This code is working fine and i get the correct values but it is taking to long to process this and most of the times the application gets hanged.
I am new to threading so is there a way to implement it with that. An example will be really helpful
If there is any other better way to do this please let me know.
Check out the BackgroundWorker control. That's one simple way to do it.